Sunday, February 27, 2011


Hey everyone!,

Welcome to color junkies, a place for all artist to explore the world of color!
I've been fascinated with color since I got sucked into it, but there wasn't anyway to see them collaboratively. So i thought why not do a weekly entry based on a color scheme set by vote, season,festival,etc.. or pure basic principles. I wasn't going to do it alone and wanted to share this experience with the rest of my friends and see how far we can stretch and push this wonderful medium called color. I'm also opening this up to anyone who feels like joining in the fun!

I really appreciate the feedback I've gotten and I'm excited to finally begin this journey with you guys.

SO..This is how it's going to work,
Alternating weeks A set of colors will be chosen, a dateline will be given.
The follow week would be left for discussion and the vote for the week after's Color theme!

You could use that scheme during that week to your advantage, use it in your weekly assignments, or during workshops.
Anything under the sun, still life, life studies, rocks, trees, vector, lines, shapes.abstract to realism.
it also need not be a fresh piece, it could be an old piece that you've done.

Drumroll to the the first set of colors to start of this adventure.
and i really though the first limited palette i was though to use would be the best choice.

Black ,Yellow Ochre ,Terra Rosa and White!

Dateline 6th of March, Sunday 201l!
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