Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Here we come Summer! ---(Now till - 05/06/11)

I'm sure everyone was too busy to even check up on this thing, but as some of you know it's been down for a couple of weeks..

But were ready to start this off again!!

I'm sure everyone will have more time this semester, unless your taking some crazy amount of classes!
So we left of the vote with this color scheme,
The challenge is to keep within these colors ,
White + Black can be added if necessary :D
The rules are written on the right side of this blog :D, to refresh your memory..

and to add on to that, an extra 5 days + the week before it's due..

have fun!!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Not Quite chromatic.

Not Quite Orange Monochromatic, I had no time but wanted to try out my new watercolors from Daniel Smith, They Granulate! so here are a the 2 cloth figure studies with watercolor washes :)

Hope you like it,
by Desiree.

It's Crazy Pallete Time!

Everyone Has Been Really busy, Unfortunately we didn't get any entries this week except mine :(... If theirs anyone else who wants to still submit doors are wide open!!

Next week we'll be doing these palliate you can add white or black to the mix, but your painting should have the ratio of color shown in the graph! Vote! ! Vote Vote!

Color by COLOURlovers

Color by COLOURlovers

Color by COLOURlovers

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Somemore Monocromatic Goodness!

 Sam Weber
Kelvin Dart

Rebecca Dautremer Artbook

Rebecca Dautremer



Cool Rider Celia Calle


Cool Rider Celia














Got  Yours yet ?


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Monocromatic 10/04/11 -17/04/11

This week Monochromatic Orange!
Be sure to explore the full range of orange. 
The warmer and cooler end of orange. 
DON'T! just paint a gray-scale and Saturate with color!


Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Purple Split Complimentary!

I think extending the dateline was a bad idea, even I myself felt the pinch in time to do something during the week.

So I've brought the next one back to the usual Sunday Dateline, as well as made it simple too.
Monocromatic!! It's Real Easy~!

But the week afters going to hike back up, as we'll be exploring strips of color instead~!

thanks for this weeks contribution!

Leo Dasso
Enrique - Iphone App

 So on this piece i used purple, yellow, and i forgot what else. i hope it is in the rules more or less. Finger painting on iphone is quite fun,and a good exercise. Normally i'm not a big fan of Purple except when i apply it too my cools, but in this case it was fun. I keep learning that the possibility of colors is forever expanding, and that each individual person wether artist or or normal everyday person carries his/her own colors in their soul, just like a musician or composer carries his own moods and feelings in music.

Desiree Ong Medium - Photoshop.
Bo had just Shared some beautiful and wonderful photo shop brushes.. so i decided to try them out with color junkies, took an old sketch and messed around with it.. i think it still needs more purple, but i tried my best to include orange and green as well :D, Hope you like it!

Monochromatic - Vote! for 10/04/11 - 17/04/11

The Mandolin 1910

Work's starting to pile up for finals, so let's take a chill pill really have fun when your too stress with work.. and monochromatic anything you like!

You know the drill, Vote!!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Midweek - Purple Split Complimentary!

[Post Lost]- I'll try to recover what's lost.

I have no idea what happened , but i lost the post..

<iframe title="YouTube video player" width="560" height="349" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/MZCDgAarP1o" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

good website


 Chris Vector


Monday, March 28, 2011

Split Complimentary Purple 28/03/10 to 6/04/10

Given that people end up submitting 3 days later, I've decided to extend the dateline to next week Wednesday!


Thursday, March 24, 2011

More form last week's entry - Blue Complimentary

 Thitaya - Paeng

Mushk Rizvi

Bo Lu

Mutia Terian


Thanks everyone for this weeks contribution, Enjoy the rest of the  Spring break!

3 more days till we are off with our next color scheme , looks like Purple winning!

Monday, March 21, 2011

21/03/2011 - Blue Complimentary

Thanks for your timely contribution :D, not too late for the rest to submit! I'll be doing an up day on wed!

 Stephanie Kuan, Welcome Aboard!
She Says : Speed paint of a crystal mine
Thanks for the link, I'll add it to the list : http://sk-art.blogspot.com

Yui Kurita
Says: Hear we go!

Enrique (Kike)

This was a figure workshop last semester. I used a color called steel blue, an orange with brush pen, and a just water brush pen. The main problem with this medium and technique is that once you lay down the water it is more about working with the mistake, however the two colors mix beautifully since one is warm and the other cool. It is nice how you can also get this sort of warm green if you mix the to colors properly. At the bottom i color picked the orange and blue in photoshop as a sample for the two values i used. Another nice thing is that the blue can go from intensely dark to intensely light once you dilute it with the water brush pen.

Thanks for the detail Information, I'm sure it will help alot of us!!

Desiree Ong

I did this for my Illustration 2 : Spot Illustration,
 (Medium Watercolor + Pen and Ink ) 
We mixed a bunch of tittles in a hat for the theme Monsters, I drew from the lot and  got Fish + Human ( Not mermaid ), I was happy i got such a theme because I had put in Sea monster for tittles to pick, found out later which classmate gave me the tittle, Thanks June! It was really dificult to stick a fin the a human body and call it done, but I ended up making it work and slapped the themed color on it instead :D

I got done early, so I did another sequential  one and finished at home.. I hope the bones filled in the in between of what actually happened XD, not quite themed color though. oh and i was really hungry by that time thus explaining the fishes hunger.

Remember to vote for Next Weeks Themed Color!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Midweek - Blue Complimentary

I thought a little video link to how Color Pencils are made would be great in addition to the Post in James Gurney Blog about Gamut Making,


I still can't get enough of his blog!

I've got my blue Complimentary! Have you ?! Exciting!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Blue Complimentary!

Blue complimentary Won!,

Dateline 20th March 2011
Email: colorjunkies@gmail.com

also any ideas of what we should do next ??


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

12/03/10 - Vote! (Complimentry colors)

Click on the side vote panel to vote.

there isn't anyone with a particular choice this week so.....
lets do! complimentary painting.. on the side of this blog on the right hand corner, there's a vote box

with the colors yellow green blue purple red and orange.

I flipped through the James Gurney book, and there's an endless possibilities on what we could explore, I was thiking of either monocromatic, which isn't really exploring or  some sought of complimentary painting  "second easiest" to limited palette, so your painting should lean to the choose color of the week with dabbles of the complimentary in it :D
James, idea of a complimentary/split complimentary talks about it in the form of creating gamut masking. (pages 124- 127) the idea is somewhat the same.

anything under the sun is open for submission. whether it's vector.. line drawing studies finishes old or new.
the more the merrier!
i was going to put a example here but i type on Google complimentary painting and they gave me a about.com link so here it is if anyone needs to refresh their memory ^^ About.com - Complimenty colors!!
Vote Vote Vote!

More for last week's entry - White Yellow Ochre Tera Rosa Black

Doanna Neville
Doanna says :those colors make me think of westerns!

Stephen Mello
A portrait of a friend that took him longer then expected
What's your medium ?

Andres Olvera
a speed paint in oils of an environment. poisonous toxic valley with volcanic ash spewing out out the earth.
Paulina Suarez
Title: Reflet cassé
Medium: Digital (Illustrator n Photoshop)

Paeng Thitaya

James XingYu Guo

Watercolor, Scan made it more pink then it should be :)

Welcome aboard, Andres and Stephen I'm so glad to meet new people in the process !

Remember to vote!

Monday, March 7, 2011

06/03/2011 - White,Yellow Ochre,Tera Rosa, Black.

Thanks everyone for your contribution to the launch of color junkie, here are the pieces for this week!
There are a few more late entries, that I'll add on to this post later :D
 (According to time of submission )

Digital Still Life study
(Vee) Verawat Verasunthorn

  Stewart Leith
Sketch of a red Mantis Girl
 Yui Kurita
Head Study

Pan Jia Ling
Fear of Muse
  Jia Ling  Says: I did this quite some time ago when I was experimenting with Dave McKean's many mixed media approaches. Thematically it had to do with a personal turmoil I had with my life at that point, thus its title. 

Desiree Ong
Anatomy Workshop 20 minutes Gouache Study
Desiree Says:I mixed up my own batch of Tera Rosa and Yellow ochre with the old gouache i had from color and design, . this is the best out of the experiments done this week.
except that i should pay more attention to the pose if you know what i mean, lol just realize that when i was uploading XD

Lets discuss, what color theme should be out next week, along with the comments you have~!
A poll will be out on Wednesday!

Have a great week!

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Hey everyone!,

Welcome to color junkies, a place for all artist to explore the world of color!
I've been fascinated with color since I got sucked into it, but there wasn't anyway to see them collaboratively. So i thought why not do a weekly entry based on a color scheme set by vote, season,festival,etc.. or pure basic principles. I wasn't going to do it alone and wanted to share this experience with the rest of my friends and see how far we can stretch and push this wonderful medium called color. I'm also opening this up to anyone who feels like joining in the fun!

I really appreciate the feedback I've gotten and I'm excited to finally begin this journey with you guys.

SO..This is how it's going to work,
Alternating weeks A set of colors will be chosen, a dateline will be given.
The follow week would be left for discussion and the vote for the week after's Color theme!

You could use that scheme during that week to your advantage, use it in your weekly assignments, or during workshops.
Anything under the sun, still life, life studies, rocks, trees, vector, lines, shapes.abstract to realism.
it also need not be a fresh piece, it could be an old piece that you've done.

Drumroll to the the first set of colors to start of this adventure.
and i really though the first limited palette i was though to use would be the best choice.

Black ,Yellow Ochre ,Terra Rosa and White!

Dateline 6th of March, Sunday 201l!
Email to colorjunkies@gmail.com